Blogger Widgets Karmveer: 2023
तंत्रज्ञानाची कास धरू या,कर्मवीरांचा वसा पेलू या !

Saturday, 2 December 2023

Effects of Heat

  1. unit of heat.

  2. Calorie
    Degree celcius

  3. Substances expand on................

  4. Cooling

  5. used in thermometer

  6. Mercury

  7. Melting point of water is..................

  8. 0` celcius
    100` celcius

  9. Calorimeter is used to find out................... of substance.

  10. Specific Heat

                                          1.Natural Resources

  1. 20 August is observed as..................

  2. World water Day
    Akshayya Urja Din

  3. ................are also integral part of forest.

  4. Plants

  5. Soil is............................resource.

  6. Renewable
    Non Renewable

  7. Air is..............................resource.

  8. Renewable
    Non renewable

  9. Overuse of water causes................

  10. Soil pollution
    Soil Protection.

Online Test created and linked by Shri.Pagar P.B. Assst Teacher Tal-Niphad Dist-Nashik